The culture of pakikialam in the Philippine context connotes a negative behavior of being involved in things that are supposed to be 'none of our business'. However, it has become very noticeable that everything else becomes 'none of our business' as it paved way to a society of apathy and cynicism. In times like these, pakikialam should be necessary. It is not apt that we detach ourselves to issues that directly and indirectly affect us, neither that we become aware of the situation around us alone.

Bottomline here is that, WE SHOULD GET INVOLVED. Because truly, for evil to triumph is for all good men to do nothing. So I invite everyone to be Pakialameros and Pakialameras in social situations that surprisingly, are inevitably interconnected to you, to the next person beside you and to the whole world as well.

Friday, February 17, 2012


As I lay on this cold, dark ground
my thoughts will linger.
Unstoppable. Viral.
My voice will be heard 
in every blow of the wind.
My heart will be felt 
by the warmth of the sun,
the waves of the sea and
by the embrace of everyone
I loved.
My eyes will be reflected
by glitters of joy on the face
of everyone I touched.
My music will forever reverberate,
as long as the birds chirp
and the rivers flow.
My hands will touch endless lives
by those whose heart I lit with fire.